
June Lectures from Medical Center

Coming in June are the following lectures from West Boca Medical Center:
What should I do about my herniakarin_blumofe
with Dr. Karin Blumofe
Monday, June 3rd, Glades Library, Noon
dr_joyner_about_usHand arthritis & trigger finger
Dr. Michael Joyner
Hand surgeon
Wednesday June 5th, Glades Library, Noon
And it’s apparently bladder month, with three different lectures at the Medical Center.
Nurse Practitioner Lisa Neu will speak on June 12th and 18th, both at noon. The 12th is titled, “Secrets of a Lady Plumber: How to approach bladder control issues.” The 18th is “When Your Bladder Hurts: Finding help & helping yourself. Ms. Neu is a frequent and well-liked speaker on health in West Boca.
2199Finally, on June 28th, also at noon, Dr. Sanjeev Gupta, a urologist, will speak on the topic: “Men’s Health Month: Overactive bladder and incontinence.”