
Orchestra: December 15th

orchestra-1The Florida Intergenerational Orchestra of America will have a concert on Sunday, December 15th. The event starts at 3 pm and will be held at the O’Shea Auditorium at the Our Lady of Lourdes Church on the southeast corner of Palmetto and Lyons.
We’re told the members range in age from as young as ten years old (Olivia Oakland, Oboe) up to 95 (Ray Johnson, French Horn). Other youngsters include Natalie Thomas (Flute, age 14) and Michael Raynor (Viola, 15). More senior members include Don Barron (Oboe), Stephen Fisch (Violin), and James Holmes (Trumpet). Founder Lorraine Marks-Field is widely appreciated for putting all of this together.
Below is a rehearsal video from Ms. Marks’ YouTube page.