Upcoming Medical Lectures in West Boca

scarzellaDr Dawn Scarzella, a urologist, will be presenting The Bladder Diaries: Leaking the Untold Story of an Overactive Bladder at noon on December 3rd. Dr Scarzella attended training at the Cleveland Clinic and Cedars Sinai Medical Center on incontinence treatment techniques.
Dr Clive Woods, orthopedic surgeon, will be presenting Ankle Arthritis: The Latest on Total Ankle Replacements at noon on December 12th. Dr. Woods did his residency at Jackson Memorial Hospital.
eatinghealthyEating Healthy Through the Holidays will be the topic on December 19th at noon discussed by Nicole Marchand, a registered dietician.
Food and Drug Interactions is the lecture at noon on December 20th by Jackie Frost, a Pharmacist.
All lectures take place at the West Boca Medical Center Education Center at 21644 State Road 7 in Boca Raton. Light refreshments will be served. Please call 866-904-9262 to register.