
West Boca Cell Phone Survey: Results

Verizon and T-Mobile have the best cell phone coverage in West Boca, according to our survey this week. You can also see this by looking at a cellular coverage map for the different providers. Our results are based on a limited amount of responses but we hope it will be helpful to our readers. Detailed results follow.
A total of eighty-seven respondents answered four question, indicating their home zip code, their cell phone carrier, and their rating for voice coverage and cell coverage in their home. Nearly half of the responses were from the 33428 zip code and another 20% from 33498. Coverage options were weak (scored as 1), so-so (2), pretty good (3), very good (4), and excellent (5).
For the whole of West Boca, we received thirty-six responses from AT&T users, twenty-six from Verizon, fourteen Sprint and eight T-Mobile. There were also two responses from MetroPCS and one from Aio.
T-Mobile users gave their service the highest overall rating, with an average of 4.125 for voice coverage and 4.25 for data. This barely edged out Verizon (4.12 and 4.19), but we’re calling it a tie since the survey had three times as many Verizon users. AT&T was reasonably close in third place (3.92 and 3.94) while Sprint trailed farther back (3.14 and 3.07). The two MetroPCS users rated their service as 4 and the Aio user rated that service as a 5.
west-boca-zipsLooking at specific zip codes, AT&T has the best rated voice coverage (3.77) in 33428, just ahead of Verizon (3.69). The two tied with a 3.85 for data coverage. T-Mobile was third (3.25, 3.5 – 4 responses) and Sprint was fourth (3, 2.875, 8 responses).
In zip code 33498, Verizon was the clear winner (4.625, 4.75, 8 responses) over AT&T (3.91, 3.73, 11 responses). T-Mobile and Sprint had only one response each in 33498 with T-Mobile rated excellent and Sprint rated so-so.
We did not have enough data to rate the carriers in the remaining individual zip codes (33496, 33433 and 33434). Together in those three zips T-Mobile had the best coverage, but that was with only three users. Verizon (5 users) had slightly better voice coverage than AT&T (12 users) while AT&T had slightly better data coverage.
Comparing zip codes, 33496 appears to have the best overall coverage (4.5, 4.4) and 33428 has the worst. The best combination of zip codes and carriers appears to be Verizon in zip code 33498.
Of course this survey was unscientific and vulnerable to potential manipulation. We removed one response that was submitted right after an identical response from the same IP address.