Walmart Opening Soon at 441 and Palmetto Park

We were driving by the incoming Walmart today and noticed signs were up. So, unlike the Cadillac in front of us, we made a safe U-turn and then we drove into the parking lot and took a look around.
If you like video, here’s a quick summary. Extra photos and comments are below.

The parking lot has quite a few cars in it and there’s a flurry of work going on to get the store ready. Here’s the front of the main store entrance:
And here’s an angled shot from the southern end looking toward Lowe’s in the background:
Last, here’s a picture showing the sign (red arrow points to it) on the southwest corner of 441 and Palmetto Park Road.
We previously spoke to the store manager, David Bonutti when we wrote about the Walmart temporary hiring center. He then said they hoped to open about six weeks after they moved onto the property. We think they got in yesterday, August 4th. So that suggests they’ll be open for business in mid-September.
The driveways are open on both Palmetto Park across from Lowe’s, and on 441 just south of Palmetto Park. Getting in the parking lot looks easy. Getting out is fine if you’re going east or north. If you want to go west or south, it’s going to be more of a hassle getting out of the 441 exit, depending on traffic.