Bees at Clint Moore and 441: Reader Advice

From a reader:
After seeing your 10-24-14 article referencing the officers who got stung at Palmetto and 441, I thought you might be interested in these photos. 
I found these bees in a small tree near Clint Moore and 441.  They showed up in the evening on 10-13-14, and I called a local bee keeper to see about getting them removed.  I was told the State of Florida is currently recommending that nobody relocate hives on account of concerns over spreading Africanized bees.  If the bee keeper were to come out, the only thing he would do is fumigate the swarm to kill them. 
The person I spoke to said these bees were probably just resting and would likely move on in the next day or two.  Sure enough, they all flew off shortly before lunch time the next day.  I wonder if all the land clearing occurring between 441 and Lyons is sending these bees our way.  I sure wouldn’t want to stumble into one of these bundles of bees!