
West Boca Runs Up Score on Olympic Heights: 80-3

This article was written by one of our new interns.
In a rivalry that has totally been one sided since the school was built in 2004, the West Boca Bulls once again were victorious last night against the Olympic Heights Lions.
You could literally call this game “The Run of the Bulls,” because that’s what happened. This game was competitive for maybe the first half of the first quarter. West Boca edged out to an early lead on the opening drive and never gave it up. It included a circus-like one handed grab from Sophomore Wide Receiver Shavon Taylor and was later capped off by a bumblin’, grumblin’ 19 yard touchdown run by Junior Running Back Jerrod Ferguson.
A few possessions later Olympic Heights would score their only points of the game, a 50 yard Field Goal, which would have been good from 53-54 yards, by Senior Kicker Khalid Iqab. He’s a bright spot for the Lions. Khalid is quoted to have said “I’m just playing on the football team to kill time before Soccer season starts”. If he kicks 50 yard Field Goals more often he may be scouted to kick on the college level.
The offensive line for the Bulls proved quite fruitful for them. They had key blocks which opened up great holes for Shavon to run through.
On the other hand the offensive line and offense in general wasn’t as fruitful for the Lions. They didn’t make enough blocks to have their running game be successful. However on the Special Teams for the Lions their Senior Returner/Wide Receiver Josh McMann was quite the spark. He led them a couple of times into stupendous field position but the offense squandered the opportunities he provided.
It just didn’t look like Olympic Heights came out serious enough to play this game. In fairness to them though they’ve had their head coach who was hired in March, leave the team two weeks before Fall practice started and their current head coach was hired a week before Fall practice started. Hopefully they’ll be able to turn it around with the new coach, who has a winning background.

Editor’s Note: I asked our new intern if West Boca pulled their starters after the game got out of hand. He said they did not.
