The Boca Raton Chapter of Special Spaces Second Annual Golf Tournament

The Boca Raton Chapter of Special Spaces will hold its 2nd Annual Fore The Kids Golf Scramble on Saturday, September 21st at Winston Trails Golf Club located at 6101 Winston Trails Blvd. in Lake Worth. With registra􏰀on star􏰀ng at 7am and a 8:30am Shotgun Start, the “FORE THE KIDS Golf Scramble” will be a fun-filled day of 18 holes of golf along with fabulous auc􏰀on gi􏰁 baskets, door prizes, and other engaging contests and games on the course. Auc􏰀on baskets include Weekend Get-a-ways with accommoda􏰀ons at luxurious hotels, rounds of golf at our many beau􏰀ful courses in Palm Beach County, a fishing excursion in the Keys, lunches and dinners at wonderful restaurants, and lots of fun ac􏰀vi􏰀es right in our own backyard. The event will run from 7am to 2:30 with registra􏰀on through lunch, awards, and an auc􏰀on. Golf Foursomes are s􏰀ll available.

“The tournament is our biggest fundraiser of the year” explains Chapter Director Peggy Peterson. “Proceeds support the Special Spaces mission: create dream bedroom makeovers for the children with cancer by transforming their exis􏰀ng room into a place that they’ve dreamed about – a very special place to rest, relax, and spend 􏰀me away from the challenges of their illness. A place to be a kid, All at no cost to the family.” Along with the room transforma􏰀on, Special Spaces provides lodging, meals, and entertainment for the families whole the volunteers make the magic happen. “Siblings tend to be put on the back burner and feel le􏰁 out when the child with cancer is ge􏰂ng a lot a􏰃en􏰀on. So, to make them feel included, we do a makeover to their bedroom as well,” adds Peterson.

Special Spaces is a nonprofit organiza􏰀on that creates dream bedrooms for children with cancer, ages 2-19 and within a year of ac􏰀ve treatment. Through the child’s imagina􏰀on at no cost to the family, the exis􏰀ng bedroom is transformed into a custom and environmentally safe place to sleep, heal, and spend 􏰀me away from the challenges of their illness. Whether they wish for a princess castle, a teen retreat, a pirate ship or a sports theme, Special Spaces volunteers work together to give the child a bedroom of their dreams and a comfor􏰀ng place to go when their world becomes overwhelming, and the pain is too much to bear. All makeovers are created by volunteers and funded solely by dona􏰀ons through sponsors and community partners who supply monetary support, goods, and services.

For addi􏰀onal informa􏰀on, visit or contact Director Peggy Peterson a [email protected]