Boca Helping Hands Needs Help Feeding 4,000 Families for Thanksgiving

Boca Helping Hands is seeking support from the community to distribute meals to families for Thanksgiving. Its 20th annual Thanksgiving Box Brigade program, which provides a turkey and a box filled with everything a family needs to prepare a holiday meal, will feed approximately 14,160 people. Members of the community can get involved by donating the cost of a box for $29.72 at
1 in 9 people in Palm Beach County are struggling to put food on the table. Rising food costs, housing expenses, and stagnant wages have only intensified the need for hunger relief programs in Palm Beach County. According to the 2024 Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed (ALICE) Report for Florida, 46% of Palm Beach County households struggled to make ends meet, with 12% of those living below the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) and 35% earning above the FPL but not enough to afford the most basic budget.
“We recognize the difficulties many families are experiencing, my wife, Anita and I are proud to once again support the Thanksgiving Box Brigade this year,” said east Boca Raton sponsor Bob Kriensky. Other Thanksgiving Box Brigade supporters include Dalfen Industrial, Humana Healthy Horizons in Florida, Purity Wholesale Grocers, Vertical Bridge Holdings, AvalonBay Communities, and other generous sponsors.
Boca Helping Hands will distribute the turkeys and Thanksgiving meal boxes to current Pantry Bag Program clients the weekend before Thanksgiving (Nov. 23 and 24) at its five drive-thru distribution locations in east Boca Raton, west Boca, Delray Beach, Boynton Beach, and Lake Worth.
“We are deeply appreciative of the community’s efforts each year with their food drives and Thanksgiving box donations,” said BHH Executive Director Greg Hazle. “Thanks to their kindness, families who might not have had the means to celebrate can now share a holiday meal together.”
Although there has been tremendous community support for the Thanksgiving Box Brigade program, food insecurity remains a problem year-round – especially now with inflation stretching families’ budgets even thinner.
To help, please visit and donate the cost of a Thanksgiving box. Any contributions that exceed Thanksgiving expenses will be used toward our food programs throughout the year, helping to support the 181,000 families in Palm Beach County