Borders Out LLC presents Nu and The Fire at The Willow Theatre
Saturday, October 12 at 2pm This futuristic puppet show tells the story of how a child, unseen and uncared for by the inhabitants of a hyper-connected city, travels in search of his inner fire. One day, Ñu decides to follow a fatuous fire that encourages him to go into the forest to discover the mysteries…

October Events at Daggerwing Nature Center
Register for events at https://discover.pbc.gov/parks/Daggerwing/ProgramCalendar.aspx MOTHER NATURE & ME: NIGHT OWL Tuesday, October 1, 10:30 a.m. Ages 2-5 (w/guardian), $4/child (Reservations required) Get ready to jump and shout with Mother Nature through stories, live animals, activities, and a craft specifically designed for toddlers and preschoolers! ANIMAL KEEPER FOR A DAY Thursday, October 3, 10:00 a.m….

Hear ye, hear ye! Tis time to release the Wizard in Pink!
Join us for that special time of the year when Barrel of Monks releases it’s once a year special, Wizard in Pink, to benefit MSABC of Palm Beach County! We’re hosting games, fun, and a super special weekend trivia night! Get your Wizard on and enjoy a delicious dinner from Cheffrey!Get your tickets NOW!

Animation Land Sneak Peek
Free at The Children’s Science Explorium in Sugar Sand ParkAges: 5-12Date & Time: Friday, Sept 27, 6-8pm A night of fun in our new exhibit before it opens to the public! The exhibition,on display Sept 28 through January 5, offers visitors a way to learn how to incorporate animation skills into the creation process through hands-on interactives;…