Lime Fresh Mexican at Promenade Coconut Creek

We heard about Lime Fresh Mexican Grill from a friend. It’s in a great location in the Promenade at Coconut Creek.

Similar to Tijuana Flats and some other fast casual places, you order as you enter and someone brings your food to you. Video at the bottom of the post.

Menu choices include a variety of tacos, burritos, a fajita option and more.
Before sitting it is wise to get some condiments from the salsa bar.

Tijuana Flats has more flavors but I liked Lime Fresh’s choices better – with cilantro, pico de gallo, and a bean/corn medley.
On the whole though the meal was not great. The “classic” guacamole was bland (though my better half seemed to like it). There are three other guac choices.

She ordered the 3 taco deal and liked it.

I had the naked burrito with steak. The flavor was good but I was surprised how little steak it came with.

It came in a very large dish but most of the space was chips, rice and beans. I had to dig to look for the steak and didn’t find much.
Since I’ve heard good things and my wife liked it, I’m hesitant to knock them too hard. We will have to try it again, but with different guac and maybe the fajitas.
Here’s their video: