Tilus Lebrun: Update on the Jimmy the Greek Killer

Tilus Lebrun - PBSO mugshot
Tilus Lebrun – PBSO mugshot

Tilus Lebrun has additional charges pending against him, according to Palm Beach County court records. While we were looking up other court records we did a search and found that he had been rearrested in mid-May. Lebrun is already facing a 1st-degree murder charge for the alleged killing of Jimmy the Greek.
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Lebrun faces four new counts, including two for battery on a law enforcement officer, one for resisting with violence, and one more. This likely refers to jail guards as Lebrun has not been released.
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Lebrun is represented by Public Defender Nicole Parsons in this case and his next court date is July 25th with Judge Crow for “case disposition.”
On the original murder case, he is also represented by Ms. Parsons and will appear in front of Judge Marx on August 1st for a “status check.” There was an expert appointed to determine mental competency, but that issue does not seem to have been resolved yet.
The new case highlights something most people don’t think about. For someone in Lebrun’s situation, he is already facing something close to life in prison. So he has little to lose if he fights with guards. That’s why being a jail guard can be such an unpleasant line of work.