Car vs. Pole on US-441: Video and Photos

All photos and video copyright Warren Redlich, West Boca News. Media may use if credit given to or @WestBocaNews.
All photos and video copyright Warren Redlich, West Boca News. Media may use if credit given to or @WestBocaNews.

This afternoon we were alerted to an accident on 441 south of Kimberly Blvd, with indications that a car had hit a pole and the pole was on the roof of the car.
We were able to get to the scene for photos and video. At top is a wide angle view of the scene looking toward the south at northbound traffic. The car apparently hit one of the light poles on the northbound side of the road, well off the roadway. Below is a somewhat closer look at the area.
The Palm Beach Sheriff and FPL were both on scene. Fire Rescue had already left.
There was substantial damage to the car, including both the front end and the roof.
The pole was dislodged from its base and you can see it laying on the ground below.
Our video from the scene is below. We did not hear any report of injuries one way or another.