Principal Stenner Returning to West Boca High?

Update: The proposed Stenner settlement agreement is at bottom.

Principal Mark Stenner of West Boca High
Principal Mark Stenner of West Boca High

The Palm Beach Post reports that West Boca High Principal Mark Stenner is expected to face a 10-day suspension as a result of the plagiarism in his graduation speeches.
It appears that Stenner will return to West Boca High. We’ve heard from many readers about the situation. Mostly they’re angry, they compare it to how the school treats students who commit plagiarism, and call for him to be fired. One parent of a current student wrote:

Mr. Stenner has shown no remorse for his plagiarism, and in fact, only contempt that he should be questioned. A principal should be held to the highest standard. Placing him back at the school is the worst possible decision. He has no moral authority left.

Another wrote this:

As a parent of a student at WBHS I am appalled at the slap on the wrist given this principal. If it were a student who was guilty of this, imagine the repercussions to the student. How can he have any credibility standing up in front of the student body after this? Every time he talks everyone will be Googling to find out who he copied this time.
If this were the only problem at WBHS it would be one thing. But the fact is WBHS is an underperforming school in a district and area that deserves better. Over my child’s time at WBHS I have observed first hand just how hollow the education received here is. While there are a few good teachers who stand out, by and large this administration has fostered a culture of mediocrity, tolerating indifferent and incompetent teachers. Many of the students who do well there do so because their parents pay for private tutors to do the job that the school is supposed to do.
Students succeed in spite of WBHS not because of it. Our kids deserve better than a principal who would plagiarize speeches and they deserve a school that prepares them for college and their life beyond.

Note that we’re not sure about calling West Boca High “underperforming.” The school has done well in state rankings.
We’ve also heard from school staff. Some would be happy to see him go and others love the guy and think he’s a great principal.
Stenner’s status is on the school board agenda for Wednesday:

Agenda Item Details
Meeting Jul 22, 2015
SPECIAL MEETING immediately following Workshop in the Board Room Category
Chairman Adds Items for Good Cause
Subject Item Added: LD1 Type Information, Procedural
Item Added:
LD1 Settlement Agreement and General Release with Mark Stenner
Good Cause Statement:
Good cause exists for the adding of this item as it is in the best interest of the School District and its students, and will allow Mr. Stenner to focus on his work as an employee of the School District.

Settlement agreement
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