Trump's Butler Speaks at City Fish Market

All photos copyright Warren Redlich 2016; anyone can use if you credit @WestBocaNews
Anthony Senecal, Donald Trump’s former butler.

Donald Trump’s longtime butler, Anthony Senecal, spoke Wednesday at City Fish Market (Glades near the Turnpike). West Boca based Gold Coast Tiger Bay Club hosted the event which was the biggest we’ve seen. There were roughly 80 guests plus 20 media in attendance.
Senecal has caught a bit of media attention recently, in part for his suggestion that President Obama should be hanged, and before that for his insights into Trump’s lifestyle.
Peter Ticktin (left) and Anthony Senecal (right)
Peter Ticktin (left) and Anthony Senecal (right)

Senecal was introduced by attorney Peter Ticktin, who graduated from New York Military Academy with Trump and was close to him at the time. Ticktin spoke highly of Trump as an honorable man, and included an amusing tidbit about how the school taught both of them how to tie a tie (Double Windsor).
Senecal is a great storyteller. He started by describing the history of Mar-a-Lago and his first boss there, Marjorie Post. Most of his stories were entertaining but did not show much substance.
In Senecal’s telling everyone he worked with at Mar-a-Lago, including Post, Trump, and everyone in Trump’s family, were smart, extremely smart, brilliant, incredible to work for, generous, funny, etc. Everything was positive.
Responding to questions from the audience, Senecal admitted the Donald Trump he worked with spoke very differently from the soundbites of his campaign – more intelligently of course. He also admitted that he only remembers the good moments and for the most part has blotted out the bad ones.
It was an entertaining lunch, but not all that illuminating.