Review: Marquee Theater's Fiddler on the Roof

We had the pleasure of seeing Fiddler on the Roof performed by the Marquee Theater Company. The professional show ran through October 16th at West Boca High’s theater. We caught it on the 15th.
They did a great job both in filling the house and in delivering their performance. The audience loved it.
We saw lots of energy on the stage. The dream scene was particularly well done.
Tevye (Peter Librach) and Golde (Joanne Shultz) had outstanding chemistry. Erica Rose Dade glowed as Tzeitel.
Andrew Shultz and Ben Solmor yet again delivered quality theater to our local audience.
If I have a quibble, it’s Librach’s rendition of “If I Were a Rich Man”. I thought it was quirky but judging by the audience response I might be alone in that.
We hope our readers will forgive this late review. We saw one of the last performances of Fiddler on the Roof in October and any review would have been after the last performance.
We look forward to their upcoming performance of Dreamgirls, scheduled to start January 21st.
Tickets are available at the Marquee Theater box office.