Special Event in Honor of the late Dr. Ruth Westheimer

Tuesday, September 24, 1:00 pm

Com­mu­ni­ty One Read in Hon­or of Dr. Ruth with Alli­son Gilbert and Lori Gottlieb. The live stream of this important book talk followed by the documentary film, Ask Dr. Ruth.

If you are unable to join us in person, you can register for the live stream HERE

The Joy of Con­nec­tions: 100 Ways to Beat Lone­li­ness and Live a Hap­pi­er and More Mean­ing­ful Life

When Sur­geon Gen­er­al Vivek Murthy sound­ed the alarm that lone­li­ness ​“rep­re­sents an urgent pub­lic health con­cern” — exac­er­bat­ed by social media overuse, the resid­ual effects of the pan­dem­ic, and the lack of mean­ing­ful rela­tion­ships — trust­ed ther­a­pist Dr. Ruth K. Wes­t­heimer knew that her unique per­spec­tive and exper­tise could help. Long beloved for break­ing stig­mas around sex­u­al prob­lems, Dr. Ruth made it her mis­sion to help indi­vid­u­als break free from the bonds of hope­less­ness and iso­la­tion. With 100 con­crete and inno­v­a­tive oppor­tu­ni­ties that can be put to use imme­di­ate­ly, The Joy of Con­nec­tions isn’t only an action-ori­ent­ed guide­book on over­com­ing lone­li­ness from one of the most well-respect­ed ther­a­pists of our time; it’s also the vital kick in the pants we all need in order to start seek­ing — and find­ing — deep and last­ing human connections.

Alli­son Gilbert is an Emmy Award-win­ning jour­nal­ist and one of the most influ­en­tial writ­ers and speak­ers on how to find the inner resources to over­come life’s biggest chal­lenges. Through research and lived expe­ri­ence, Alli­son helps audi­ences trans­form grief and loss, man­age care­giv­ing and chron­ic ill­ness, and find con­nec­tion amid the grow­ing pub­lic health cri­sis of social iso­la­tion and lone­li­ness. She is co-author of Dr. Ruth Westheimer’s final book, The Joy of Con­nec­tions: 100 Ways to Beat Lone­li­ness and Live a Hap­pi­er and More Mean­ing­ful Life

Lori Got­tlieb is a psy­chother­a­pist and New York Times best­selling author of Maybe You Should Talk to Some­one, which has sold over two mil­lion copies and is cur­rent­ly being adapt­ed as a tele­vi­sion series star­ring Kris­ten Bell. In addi­tion to her clin­i­cal prac­tice, she is co-host of the pop­u­lar ​“Dear Ther­a­pists” pod­cast and writes The Atlantic​’s ​“Dear Ther­a­pist” advice col­umn. 

You can pur­chase The Joy of Con­nec­tions and Maybe You Should Talk to Some­one and all of the books for our upcoming season, HERE.

Tuesday, September 24, 2:00 pm
FILM: Ask Dr. Ruth, 2pm

Director: Ryan White, 100 minutes, English with English subtitles, 2019
Charting the incredible life of Dr. Ruth Westheimer, a Holocaust survivor who became America’s most famous sex therapist. Also includes a live stream of a book talk about Dr. Ruth’s book, The Joy of Connections, with co-author Allison Gilbert, moderated by Lori Gottlieb, shown prior to film screening.
View Trailer »

$10 per film, Free for Film Festival Patrons and Platinum Members 
Purchase Tickets Here