Arrests have been news for thousands of years. Every major news publication covers arrests, including the Palm Beach Post, Sun-Sentinel, Miami Herald, New York Times, etc.

We frequently get contacted by people unhappy that we covered an arrest, typically their own arrest, or that of a family member or friend.  If you would like a mugshot and story removed, please see our Contact Policy for more information.

If the person involved has never been arrested before, and the case is dismissed, we will usually remove them from the arrest story after a polite and timely request is made. Please include proof that the case was dismissed.

If it’s not the first arrest, or the case is still pending, or the person pled guilty to something or was convicted, we’re generally not going to remove them.

If you feel that we have the facts wrong, please tell us what we got wrong and we will review to correct any errors. We try very hard to get the facts right and we appreciate polite corrections.

If you would like to make a statement about an arrest, you are free to do so in the comments on the article on our website, or on our Facebook page. If you are the person arrested or their lawyer, we will be happy to include a response in the article itself, subject to our own editing.