8th Annual celebrating everyBODY: a walk for eating disorders awareness to welcome honored Guest Former Seattle Mariners’ Catcher, Mike Marjama

The Alliance for Eating Disorders Awareness will hold its eighth annual walk for Eating Disorders Awareness “celebrating everyBODY: a walk for eating disorders awareness on Saturday, February 23, 2018 at the Sunset Cove Amphitheater in Boca Raton, FL. Registration will begin at 9:00 am, and speaking will commence at 9:30 am. This year’s theme is #NotOneMore with hopes that not one more life is lost, child is taken, or precious time is destroyed by this insidious disease.
The event will feature guest speaker Mike Marjama, Former Catcher for the Seattle Mariner, who was encouraged to cut weight for the wrestling team. The pressure for weight loss led to the development of an eating disorder. Mike was admitted to inpatient treatment for his eating disorder and found his recovery. Mike ultimately gave up a career as an MLB catcher to help people with eating disorders.
The Alliance is expecting 800+ walkers and hopes to raise awareness of eating disorders, positive body image, and recovery. More than 30 exhibitors will be present, as well as a photo booth, kid’s arts and crafts area, and more.
The 4GirlsFoundation is once again the title sponsor of the walk alongside Alsana, Eating Recovery Center, Veritas Collaborative, Walden Behavioral Care, Center for Discovery, Oliver-Pyatt Centers, The Paderewski Family, Timberline Knolls, The Renfrew Center, DI Law, Advanced Recovery Systems, ViaMar Health, Athleta, and many more. They are all coming together to support The Alliance’s mission and goals of building awareness, education, and early intervention of eating disorders.
The Alliance is a national non-profit organization dedicated to providing programs and activities aimed at outreach, education, early intervention, and advocacy for all eating disorders.
Founded in October 2000, The Alliance has worked tirelessly to raise awareness; eliminate secrecy and stigma; promote access to care; and support those susceptible to, currently experiencing, and recovering from eating disorders. The Alliance offers comprehensive services, including: educational presentations to schools, healthcare providers, hospitals, treatment centers, and community agencies; free, clinician-led weekly support groups for those struggling and for their loved ones; support and referrals through both our free help-line and comprehensive referral website, www.findEDhelp.com; and advocacy for eating disorders and mental health legislation. In August 2017, The Alliance opened Psychological Services, which offers direct, low-cost, life-saving treatment to underinsured and uninsured adults in our community. Since its inception, The Alliance has offered presentations on eating disorders, positive body image, and self-esteem to more than 300,000 individuals nationwide.