
Crime Report: Drugs, Weapons, Fraud

It was another interesting week crime in Boca with less than 20 incidents for us to report. There was a well publicized story about a Broward resident caught with child pornography, more important locally because he was a coach at an East Boca gymnastics program

Another disturbing incident involves a convicted felon breaking into a West Boca home near Shadowood. Details on that and more below.

McClead, Koehler, Berger and Leal

Richard Allen McClead (54) was arrested after he broke into a house on Carousel Circle West, just north of Glades Road in the neighborhood behind Shadowood Square. A mother was home with her daughter when she heard a noise. She saw McClead in her backyard and then called 911. McClead smashed a window and entered the home as deputies arrived on the scene.

As deputies entered the room, McClead left through a window and fled. A PBSO helicopter spotted him and when deputies approached, McClead dove into the canal. He was then apprehended by a PBSO K9.

McClead is under supervision of the Department of Corrections for a felony battery upon an elderly person from Broward. The contrast between that photo and the recent mugshot is striking.

Broward records show seven previous cases for McClead including domestic violence, an aggravated assault with firearm charge from 2012 that was dropped, and a 2004 battery on a law enforcement officer

Christopher Koehler (26) violated a no-contact order from a previous domestic violence case. He was supposed to stay more than 500 feet from the victim’s home in Boca Fontana and was arrested at the home. We previously reported Koehler’s earlier arrest.

Kimberly Berger (22) of the La Costa neighborhood near Boca Pointe was arrested on a repeat offense for driving with a suspended license. The police report indicates she has two priors in 2017 and 2018. She was stopped by police after they found her asleep at the wheel at 4 am on Jog Road at the Yamato intersection. She also had an open container of alcohol in the car, but was not charged with DUI in this incident. Broward records show a DUI in 2018.

Jefferson Leal (40) was arrested on a felony driving with a revoked license as a habitual offender. He was stopped for making a right on red from Yamato onto Federal Highway. There is a sign that says no right on red but it’s pretty small. Boca PD notes Leal has 8 previous convictions for driving while suspended. His previous cases keep getting dropped or he gets deals where he just pays fines.

Scott, Miles, Narea and Egerman

John William Scott (49) was arrested on two drug related counts and possession of weapons and ammunition by a felon. His reported address is on Marina Way in Watergate Estates. The arresting deputy indicated that witness and video evidence showed Scott firing a black handgun into the ground outside his trailer. He also was charged with drug misdemeanor offenses.
Scott has a previous felony charge in the county from 2014 where he was found guilty of resisting with violence, along with a history of 16 years in federal and state prison from 1987 – 2003. Florida Corrections shows a series of burglary, theft and marijuana cases that contributed to those sentences.

Dylan Miles (19) may be an FAU student. He was arrested on one marijuana charge and another for drug equipment after a traffic stop. Miles was a passenger and had both marijuana and a “grinder”. The car was stopped due to the tag light being out. If you’re going to carry drugs in your car, make sure everything is in working order.

Humberto Narea (46) faces quite a few drug charges including cocaine, hallucinogens, marijuana and more, plus two felony counts for using a 2-way communications device to facilitate a felony. Seems like an odd offense but it’ll probably stick.
After receiving information that “Berto” was selling cocaine and THC, a deputy arranged a couple of buys at the Sandalfoot Publix, near Narea’s residence on Dolphin in the trailer park. Narea sold him cocaine. A search of his trailer led to cocaine, marijuana, THC oil and a variety of equipment.
Narea has a pending drug felony from a 2018 arrest.
Narea had a felony drug arrest in Broward in 2012 that was resolved with drug court

Joshua Egerman of East Boca faces one felony charge for possession of drug equipment. We don’t usually see that unless there are also drugs present and that’s not in the list of charges.
Court records show 10 misdemeanor cases for Egerman, mostly for drug paraphernalia and shoplifting.

O’Brien, Voskressensky, and Caruana

Coleen O’Brien (40) was arrested on substantial fraud charges, accused of stealing over $100,000 from an East Boca attorney. She worked as a cleaner in the building and allegedly stole the attorney’s credit card, using it in nearly 150 transactions over several months in 2016 and 2017. Most of the transactions were at Western Union which might be hard to trace, but criminal genius also paid FPL, water and DirecTV bills for her residence on the card.
She was arrested at her trailer on Atlantic Circle in Watergate Estates. We don’t see much criminal history for her other than a driving while suspended from 2018.

Rachel Voskressensky (23) was arrested by Florida Highway Patrol. The Trooper describes a high speed chase on I-95 following a red Mustang going over 100 mph. The Mustang managed to get away on Atlantic Blvd as the Trooper could not safely continue the chase in traffic.
The Trooper later went to the house in Boca Landings corresponding to the car’s license plate. Voskressensky admitted she was the driver. We see no criminal history for her but she does have a few tickets.

Sharon Caruana (60) was arrested for abusing the 911 system after making multiple calls. The affidavit suggests she was affected by alcohol and medication. After a deputy visited her home in Brentwood of Boca (just south of Century Village) he instructed her not to call 911 again. The dispatcher had told her the same. Just a few minutes after the encounter, while the deputy was still in front of the home, Caruana called 911 again and was arrested.
Caruana had three previous arrests for 911 abuse in 2018, and a felony arrest earlier in the year related to prescription drugs.

Ross, Merritt, McGinley and Dos Santos De Faria

Drupattie Ross (44) of the Broken Sound apartments was arrested for punching her boyfriend in the chest during an argument after a party. We see no previous history for her.

Terrence Merritt (33) was accused of creating a disturbance at The Dubliner in Mizner Park, and then hit his girlfriend and a Boca PD officer during the confrontation. This is the first felony we see for Merritt, who has had a few relatively minor cases dating back to 2010 in Palm Beach County, plus a few more in Broward including a felony charge that may still be pending. His address is on NE 5th Circle in East Boca.

Megan McGinley (27), a resident of Canary Palm Club near Boca Pointe, was arrested in Delray Beach for elbowing her boyfriend in the lip during an argument. Court records show a few previous domestic violence incidents, though in at least one of those she may have been the victim. She also has roughly 20 traffic cases in the past 10 years.

Luciana Dos Santos De Faria (45) of The Isle subdivision of Mission Bay was arrested for felony domestic battery. She allegedly bit her husband and hit him in the forehead with a flashlight. The latter caused substantial bleeding.

Thompson, Lopez Vazquez, Hartzman, and Beckford

We checked the blotter and found five more arrests since we started writing these up. These reports do take hours to research and write.

Antroy Thompson (18) was arrested on felony drug charges for marijuana and another drug, plus a misdemeanor for drug equipment. His reported address is on Military Trail.

Michael Lopez-Vazquez (31) was arrested for trespassing. His address is on Canary Palm Circle

Maxwell Hartzman (22) was arrested on felony drug charges involving cocaine, marijuana and other drugs, along with a probation violation. His reported address is an apartment at Mizner Park.

Michael Beckford (27) of SW 5th Street in West Boca was arrested in Boynton Beach for misdemeanor battery and felony kidnapping or false imprisonment. This one is so new that the court doesn’t have any record of it yet. He had a previous marijuana case in 2011 that was dropped by prosecutors