Early May Crime Report 2
Five more crime incidents for this report, including Sandalfoot Cove, Watergate Estates, Boca Entrada – Alister, Boca Del Mar, and the Gould House on the Federation campus.

Jakeel Smith (25, Alister Apartments) was arrested for threatening a deputy sheriff and resisting without violence.
On reading the affidavit, it appears that the deputy entered Smith’s apartment – his home – based on a 911 call with limited information. He specifically noted the caller was uncooperative.
Nowhere in the affidavit is there any substance to why deputies entered other than that there was a call. Once they arrived there did not appear to be any reason for them to stay. At best it appeared Smith and his wife were emotional and had been arguing about a cell phone.
Smith ordered the deputy to leave the apartment. On the evidence in the affidavit, this appears to have been a lawful order. By refusing the deputy was at least arguably trespassing.
Smith had already been insulting toward the deputy and now began to make threats. The threats may be illegal under the circumstances, but it seems like Smith would have an argument that the deputy should have left before it got to that level.
We see no significant criminal history for Mr. Smith.

Lidiya Umansky (70) is a resident of The Gould House, a low-income housing facility on the Jewish Federation campus (south of Glades on 95th). She was arrested for felony battery in late April.
Deputies were called to a domestic dispute. Lidiya and her daughter were arguing because she wanted her daughter to move out of the apartment. The argument got physical with Lidiya pushing her daughter and at one point allegedly putting a pillow to the daughter’s face.
That led to a battery by strangulation charge though it seems weak. The deputy noted that the pillow was never placed over the victim’s face.
We see no priors for Ms. Umansky.

31-year-old Paul Maimon of Sandalfoot Cove is back again. This time he’s got two new cases.
In late April a deputy saw Maimon walking in the parking lot of the Boca Belaire apartments.
The deputy noted in his affidavit that Maimon has a history of car burglaries and does not live in Boca Belaire.
Maimon then entered a Toyota and began rummaging through it.
Lock your cars people!
Then in mid-May, a resident of Boca Rio Townhomes saw Maimon try to get into his truck (locked) and then get into his wife’s unlocked vehicle. The victim chased Maimon while calling 911, and the deputy caught up to them both at the entrance to the Trends neighborhood where Maimon was arrested.
Maimon was carrying several stolen objects including sunglasses, a camera, and a cell phone.
He has an extensive criminal history.

Perry Brand (26, Reflections of Boca Del Mar) was arrested after midnight for drugs on Palmetto Park Road just east of I-95.
A Boca PD officer began to follow Brand’s vehicle after seeing him “driving slowly”. Brand allegedly “crossed into the right lane without signalling and across a solid white line”, which appears to be the pretext for a dubious traffic stop.
After a brief and non-confrontational encounter at the driver’s window, the officer ordered Brand out of the car “for safety purposes.” He then searched the car with nothing remotely resembling probable cause, finding what appeared to be crack cocaine and marijuana.
Brand is charged with felony possession of cocaine with intent to sell.
Court records show a prior arrest in 2017 that was dropped.

Sandra Guardiola (60, Watergate Estates) was arrested for felony battery. A witness called 911 after seeing Ms. Guardiola punching a black male (who also lives with Guardiola and at least one other person at the same residence).
It appears Guardiola was intoxicated and the fight arose out of an argument over food.
The felony was based on a repeat battery. Prosecutors dropped that and now it’s a misdemeanor battery case.
Court records show multiple priors including a felony aggravated battery from 2017.