Vietnamese Violations
The biggest number in this week’s report is for a Vietnamese restaurant in Boca. Others with more than 10 violations include a pizza place on 441, a big chain restaurant near Town Center, and a local breakfast place near 441. Full details are for paid subscribers, below.
The best news in our report is the perfect inspection for Texas Roadhouse, on Lyons south of the county line. They had zero violations. The Griddle on Spanish River Blvd and Jerkit Cuisine in Deerfield Beach also both had perfect inspections.
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Basilic Vietnamese Grill had the highest number of violations in this week’s report with 18 total violations. Two of the violations were marked high priority:
- Cooked potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food not cooled from 135 degrees Fahrenheit to 41 degrees Fahrenheit within 6 hours. – – Door True Cooler – Egg rolls in Cooler overnight and at 4:25pm are 54F. See Stop Sale. – – In WALK IN COOLER – Curry soup made and put in WALK IN COOLER to cool at 10am this morning. At 4:45pm it is 46F. See Stop Sale.
- Potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. COOK LINE (Cold Table) -sliced mushrooms 50F, broccoli florettes 52F, book choy 50F green peppers, 52F, sliced yellow onions 52F, All Piled High Above Tops of Cold Table Pans. **Corrective Action Taken** **Repeat Violation**
They were also missing some paperwork leading to a recommended administrative complaint.
MOD Pizza in Parkland (441 near Hillsboro) had 16 violations, 2 high priority related to hand washing and a vacuum breaker.
La Granja at Town Center had 14 violations with 3 high priority:
- Cooked meats or poultry hot held at less than 135 degrees Fahrenheit or above. Half chicken temperature @126°F. Manager reheated to 168°F. **Corrected On-Site** **Repeat Violation**
- Employee failed to wash hands before changing gloves and/or putting on gloves to work with food. Employee handled raw beef then put gloves on- no handwash. Employee was advised to wash hands before putting gloves on, he then washed hands. **Corrected On-Site**
- Raw animal food stored over ready-to-eat food in reach-in cooler. Raw beef stored over tomatoes in RIC. Raw chicken stored over onions in RIC. Raw beef stored over tortillas in WIC. Employee removed all and stored all properly. **Corrected On-Site** **Repeat Violation**
The West Boca IHOP was hit with 12 violations. The worst of that were hand washing, a vacuum breaker, and improperly stored rubbing alcohol.
Stella’s Pizzeria on 441 in Boca Greens and the Burger King on Palmetto near Powerline each had 8 violations. Fresh Kitchen on Military Trail and Mariposa inside the Neiman Marcus at Town Center each had 7 violations. The Chipotle on 441 in Coral Springs had 6.
In other good news, we see a licensing inspection for “Yolk” on Military Trial in that new plaza by the Office Depot HQ. PF Changs had 2 minor violations.
Kapow Noodle Bar in Mizner Park and 40 Carrots in Town Center had 3 violations each. Boon’s in Boca Greens had 5 minor violations.
As usual our full spreadsheet for this report is below, now in color!