
Author of "A German Life" to Speak at Congregation B'nai Israel

“A German Life” Author, Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger, To Speak About his Father’s Nazi Past, His Conversion to Judaism and Move to Israel Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger, author of “A German Life,” will speak on March 24 at 7 p.m. at Congregation B’nai Israel (CBI) to discuss learning the truth about his German father’s life as a…

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Panhandling, Development, and the Aronberg Shuffle

The West Boca Community Council held its regular meeting at the Boca Lago clubhouse on Tuesday evening. A larger than usual crowd of residents heard from county officials. President Sheri Scarborough, who is also chair of the Palm Beach County Zoning Commission, updated the audience on several changes in the works. First, construction has started…