Straight A's for High Schools in West Boca

The school grades are in for high schools and West Boca did well. Out of 524 high schools in the state that were graded, Spanish River High was #50 on the list with West Boca at #84 and Olympic Heights at #111. Boca High, which serves some West Boca families, did even better at #24.
The numbers for our local schools are actually better than they appear. Many of the highly ranked schools on the list are specialty magnet or charter schools, such as Suncoast (7) and Dreyfoos (10). Most or all of the students in these schools get in through a competitive process and so they have few weak students to bring their scores down. Our West Boca high schools are all open and take everyone in their zoned districts. The #1 school on the list is the Pine View School in Sarasota, which is an all-gifted program. #2 and #3 are choice programs in Brevard that only admit students who consistently meet standards on the same tests that drive the scores in this system.
Within Palm Beach County, the two schools at the top (Suncoast and Dreyfoos) are both magnet schools. Leaving such programs out, Boca High and Spanish River are the top two in the county. Other regular high schools that posted top scores in the county include Jupiter High, Park Vista (Lake Worth), West Boca and Wellington.

Spanish River High’s parking lot after a heavy rain.

One interesting note is that Atlantic High ended up with a higher overall score than Olympic Heights even though OH had better test scores, particularly in reading.
Two spreadsheets are below, first for Palm Beach and Broward counties, and then for the whole state. They are based on the main spreadsheet from the state database, but with some edits to highlight Palm Beach County and West Boca schools.
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Teens Charged for Home Invasion Robbery

West Boca News strongly believes that those arrested are presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Late Monday deputies arrested two young men, accused of a home invasion robbery. Homeowners affected by robberies may want to seek the services of a locksmith to help replace their locks and also install more security measures like modern digital locks. On the left above is “Tyler Gillson” (aka Taylor Gillson, Tyler Gilson and Taylor Gilson). Mr. Gillson is 19 years old and appeared earlier this year in West Boca News on charges of robbery, aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, grand theft, and marijuana possession. All but the marijuana charges were dropped by prosecutors. We also see a trespassing case from Fort Lauderdale in his past. His reported address is in East Boca and he may be a Boca High graduate or former student.
On the right is Andrew Mincey, who is also 19 years old. Mr. Mincey was arrested in December on three felony cocaine sale charges and was sentenced a week ago to 12 months probation. We also see a couple traffic cases in the courts. Mr. Mincey’s reported address is also in East Boca and we think he moved here after finishing high school in South Carolina.
In our previous article on Mr. Gilson we included this photo set below.
As for Mr. Mincey we found this shot of him:
The charge of home invasion robbery is very serious under Florida law, listed as a felony in the first degree.

Boca High Grad Gets Second "DUI Causing Injury"

Boca High graduate Travis Streitz (above, 29) was arrested Thursday accused of a DUI involving “serious bodily injury to another.” Back in 2006 Streitz had another incident where he was charged with “DUI causing injury to person or property.” His probation did not go well and he was sentenced to 30 days in jail.
Mr. Streitz has been mostly clean since then, with a few minor traffic tickets, but he’s now being held on $3000 bond on the new charge. Court records this relates to an accident on August 2nd. We did report on a serious accident that day at Yamato and 441, but can’t be sure if they’re related.
Update: A source tells us the black car in the picture belongs to Mr. Streitz.
Mr. Streitz’ reported address is in the gated Paseo community south of Glades between Powerline and St. Andrews.