Palm Beach Post Endorses O'Hara

In a somewhat surprising move, the Palm Beach Post has endorsed James Ryan O’Hara, the Republican candidate for State House  in the district that includes West Boca.
I’ve met O’Hara several times and like him. His opponent, Kevin Rader, supports more sales taxes on the middle class. That would seem like an odd position but it’s common among Florida Democratic candidates and the district does lean Democrat.
O’Hara has an uphill battle, and not only because of the partisan disadvantage. Money is a big issue. O’Hara doesn’t have much of it, while Rader is the darling of all kinds of special interests.
I was surprised by the endorsement because I’m used to newspapers endorsing incumbents and favorites. Just like its endorsement of Dina Keever and intensely critical coverage of Dave Aronberg, the Post is demonstrating real independence. We need more of that in the media.

Author: Warren Redlich

Warren Redlich is a real estate agent and an attorney. He focuses on selling homes in West Boca Raton. Call or text Warren at 561-536-3645. Warren is also a tech YouTuber covering Tesla, SpaceX and more. His YouTube channel is and he sells Elon Musk related t-shirts and other merchadise at Warren also publishes videos about politics at