Deutch Votes for Amash Amendment

Ted Deutch
Ted Deutch
West Boca News is not always a fan of our Congressman, Ted Deutch. But we are pleased to report that he voted for an amendment yesterday which would have cut funding for the NSA spying on all of us. The Amash-Conyers roll-call vote shows a rather different divide. The yes and no sides were both bipartisan.
National establishment figures like John Boehner (R), Nancy Pelosi (D), Steny Hoyer (D) and Eric Cantor (R), along with local insiders like Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D), Lois Frankel (D), and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R) voted against it (for spying on us). Those voting for the amendment (against spying on us) included many GOP rebels such as Amash and Walter Jones, along with progressive Democrats like Keith Ellison and Raul Grijalva, co-chairs of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.
For more on the Amash Amendment and the “inside baseball” of congressional politics, see this article on Politico, and the Amash Fact Sheet.

Author: Warren Redlich

Warren Redlich is a real estate agent and an attorney. He focuses on selling homes in West Boca Raton. Call or text Warren at 561-536-3645. Warren is also a tech YouTuber covering Tesla, SpaceX and more. His YouTube channel is and he sells Elon Musk related t-shirts and other merchadise at Warren also publishes videos about politics at