
West Boca High? Weapons, Drugs and Minors

Story updated below regarding the aggravated assault with a deadly weapon charge against Paul Maimon. Also, in addition to the comments on this post, there are numerous comments on the Facebook post. West Boca High’s Thomas “Tommy” Covella (left, 18), Joseph “Joey” Lutz (center, 18) and Rafael Juarez (right, 19) were all booked within 5…


Dimitrios "Jimmy the Greek" Karaloukas Confirmed Dead

West Boca News sadly confirms that Dimitrios Karaloukas, better known as the owner of the Jimmy the Greek Taverna restaurant, passed away last night after being stabbed by an employee. Tilus Lebrun was arrested for the murder. One other employee was stabbed and at last report was in critical condition at Delray Medical Center. Karaloukas…